Mass Times
7:30am Saturday & Sunday
7:00am Weekdays
Rosary: Sundays, 3:45pm
Evening Prayer: Sundays, 4:05pm
Adoration: Second Wednesday/month, 8am-4:30pm
St. Joseph (March 11-19)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (July 8-16)
St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Sept 23-Oct 1)
Christmas (Dec 16-24)
If you would like to participate in our novenas, send us your name and address. Before each novena takes place, we will mail you the novena prayer with a petition slip enclosed.
Prayerful Remembrance Cards
This Prayerful Remembrance card announces “Peace To You” and the prayers of the nuns for any occasion (birthday, illness, anniversary, death, etc.). Enclosed in each card is a slip to be filled out and returned to the monastery, informing us of who and what to pray for. $0.25 each. To order Prayerful Remembrance cards, write to:
Carmel Guild
PO Box 2713
Sioux City, IA 51106
These cards are also available at Trinity Heights and through Carmel Guild Board representatives of each parish in the Sioux City diocese.
You are welcome to contact us for prayers. We are happy to pray for you, your loved ones, and your needs. If we miss your call, please leave a message.
“You have only to stay close to the Crucified and your suffering is the best prayer.”
~ Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity