Altar Bread Order Form

We sell altar breads only to parishes and churches, and to chaplains assigned to schools, hospitals and nursing homes.
We have discontinued the Small/Hospital (1 1/8″) hosts due to the difficulty of keeping them stocked in a timely manner, but are pleased to refer our customers to the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of Clyde, Missouri (
Low gluten hosts in BULK (50 hosts/box, not wrapped individually) are available through the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of Clyde, Missouri at For your information, low gluten hosts are made from wheat starch and water only, with gluten content at less than 20 parts/million, and are approved for use in the Mass by the USCCB, whereas the gluten content of “gluten-free” hosts, which are non-wheat and thus invalid for Mass, is 6 parts per million. People with gluten sensitivity can tolerate a small amount of gluten, but those with celiac disease are encouraged to partake only of the Precious Blood.
ECONOMICAL SHIPPING TIP: Containers of Regular hosts in the amounts of 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, or 20 will fill a box. The 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12-container boxes can add 3-6 boxes of Large hosts and/or 1-2 boxes of Jumbo hosts. Nineteen containers in the 20-container box can add 3 boxes of Large hosts; 18 containers can add 3-6 boxes of Large hosts and/or 1-2 boxes of Jumbo hosts. Hope this helps! And we thank you for your business, which helps support our life of prayer.